jason wynn breaking in a new boat

The Shakedown Sail, BREAKING (in) A New Boat

Getting a new sailboat is sort of like starting a new relationship.  Sure, it’s exciting but the jitters and uncertainty can take away from of the joy and create anxiety.  Because there are no shortcuts to deep familiarity.

Nothing prepares you for the overwhelming process that is getting to know a new boat and new systems.  Even if you’ve been sailing for years, mistakes are inevitable, and things will break.  It’s all a part of the learning process.

Then, of course, there is the art of making it a home.

This week, you get an intimate peek at this awkward phase as we fumble our way through the shakedown sail.  Join us for our final sail aboard Ruby Rose 2.

Thanks again to Nick and Terysa for having us aboard for such a big adventure!  It’s the beginning of a new chapter and we’re looking forward to seeing where this one takes you.

⛵ More on Nick, Terysa & Ruby Rose 2



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Hello there! I honestly don’t know what to say, so I am going to tell you a bunch of random facts instead. I'm a fish eating vegetarian who hates spiders and loves snakes. I almost never took vacations growing up. I wanted to be Pippi Longstocking (still do). I misspell about every other word I write and still struggle with grammar. I love splurging on a good high tea (which is really hard to find these days). And whatever you do, don’t tell me I can’t do something, because then I'll HAVE to do it!

Comments (8)

  • Colin

    Got to add to Terysa’s comments: Americans are brought up in a culture of instant, or nearly instant gratification. Few build a home and live with others, temporary housing or hotels for 2 or more years before they can move into their new house. And I doubt that if this was the “norm”, there would ever be new houses built. Instead “spec” ones are built, sold and closed often in as little as 4-6 months. The things you are feeling as Terysa so eloquently explained is the exquisite agony of pacing yourselves through a nomadic existence before going to your new home. A home that will pose constant challenges from day one. And challenges that you mostly cannot put on a “punch” list and hand it to the builder like most “Mericans”. But savor this. Its still a wonderful life and you have much ahead.

  • Colin

    Few, very few, get to experience a new vessel of any kind and the shake-down process that goes with it. Visiting this process through your collective and different eyes is illuminating and above all explains much about the boat design to those not familiar with the process. My experience is that as these vessels, boats, planes (and homes) have become more complex with additive systems that were largely chosen out of catalogues and barely integrated if at all. This leads to the gotchas at shake down that frustrate many who expect everything to work out of the box. Personally I find the “engineering” to correct these problems both interesting and challenging but only when the OEM will work with me. few have either the capacity or will to do so but you guys seem to be able to leverage this Blog to get them to see how negative their display will seem if they do not.

  • Mary Van

    Kind of like a walk-through on a new home. That was the first run, will they do another to see what else they discover? How long do they have to discover all the little kinks that need to be worked out? I’m sure that was helpful for you all.

    • C Preston

      The difference I am seeing is that With Ruby Rose 2 they did’nt look to find ways to sail either Catamarans or other multihulls, nor were they able to seek out the product manufactures of the various systems they were choosing from, to be installed on there boat. This isnt a criticsm of the owners as ever boat owner(s) are unique individuals and partners. Their priorities for the time period from design to manufacture, choosing systems are different from build to build.
      As they learn the difference between RR1 and RR2 a single hull with which they had several years of experience, and a catamaran with which they had no experience is beginning sailor status. The skills of sailing one is vastly different and very little translates. What they do bring are navigation and captain skills, and the understanding they are total newbies at catamaran sailing, to use the resources available to them..
      For The Wynns this time aboard Ruby Rose2 they have I think shared tgeir catamaran sailing skills. And learned how much more they will need to learn when they take possession of Gone with Wynns2 shake down cruises and when they are fnally alone on their new Craft.

  • Alan Solomon

    Thank you for this video. Great video with lots of positiveness but for some reason I feel frustrated. And I am not even on that boat or any boat. It makes me think back to Curiosity and how you guys were so much more familiar with everything and as Nikki said all of Curiosity’s quirks and tweaks. You both got used to them, knew what to do and how to deal with it to minimize negative effects.
    I think I isolated and found the source of my frustration and that is that both of you have been waiting for so long for your new HH boat. I am seeing you on other people’s boats and hearing more about the new HH being built but we never get to the destination! Sorry, I am not saying this in a bad or mean way, just being honest. I can’t wait for you both to get on your new HH boat and start experiencing like Terysa and Nick have been experiencing. A definite big thanks to Terysa and Nick for letting you guys come on board to film to share with all of us at such a vulnerable time. Thanks very much. On to the factory… Stay positive,

  • John and Susan Hughes

    Lots of insight we’d not have. Thanks !
    Looking forward to more.


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