Our Explosive Thanksgiving

Who knew spending Thanksgiving with strangers could be such a dynamic experience!

Sure being away from family on holidays is always a little sad…or at least it is for us (I know some would do anything to get away from the in-laws). The key to having a successful out of town Holiday is all about finding someone to spend it with. Maybe it’s friends or as in our case, the couple we met at the College Bar last week. We never turn down an invitation to a party!

Pirate John and his lovely lady Cindy invited us to join in on their pre-stuff-your-face Thanksgiving shoot out…or as I call it, “Our Explosive Thanksgiving”.

These guys are fully prepared for any occasion and yes, there were discussions of what protocol would be for the Zombie apocalypse. What, you didn’t know it was coming?

With the added surprise of exploding targets, it didn’t take much to get everyone giddy, whopping and hollering like teenage girls at bonfire.

We were told everything was legal…but the massive force that comes after you pull the trigger on this seemed…well…like I was headed to war and the enemies were all the size of Goliath!

Nothing would survive the blow; the tricky part would be actually shooting straight enough to hit your target!

Now, as if all of this wasn’t enough, a little gun powder and a miniature cannon will get everyone’s attention! Now I am starting to understand how the name “Pirate John” came about.

We did end the day with a giant feast and enough mashed potatoes to feed not only our army but the surrounding battalions!

However, our Thanksgiving didn’t end on Thanksgiving…
A big shout out to our scuba friends Joel and Captain Kathy for sharing not only their friends but their fabulous Post-Thanksgiving vegetarian friendly feast!