Ocean Shores – Not The Average Beach

Ocean Shores – Not The Average Beach

I’m not gonna lie, this place is foggy, damp, and not the warm sunny beach destination one might consider visiting for a summer vacation.

ocean shores

Would I ever visit Ocean Shores, Washington again?  Oh Yea!  ‘The Sweet is never as Sweet without the Sour’ (bonus points if you know where that quote is from)…and the sunny days around here are about as sweet as it gets.

sunset ocean shores

Ocean Shores is a town rich in modern history beginning as a Cattle Ranch, then taken over by a California style Land Rush, became the hometown of Pat Boone and eventually was deemed the “Richest Little City” in 1969.

ocean shores washington

From our experience its a quaint fishing village built for tourists, and the local wildlife seems to agree considering they walked right up to us begging for food.

ocean shores wildlife

On the foggy nights we found ourselves gravitating to the local dive bar (I think we made our way back 3 times in 5 days). They kept enticing us with a never ending rotating tap and you know us, we had to try them all.  Especially the super hot habanero beer, yep I’m that guy).

Our tiny car with our logos was quite the hit pulling up to the bar windows, each visit we met new locals who were more than happy to treat us to one of their favorite brews! It was Good Times for sure! The place is called Elk Head Taproom and they serve up their own craft brews, warm nuts, and smoky cheese!

elk head tap room

On the nature side of things, there’s something undeniably romantic about getting lost in the rolling fog as you stroll down the beach. Nikki and I must have walked over a hundred miles up and down the beaches measuring the giant molting crab shells, chasing the birds, playing in the sand and of course bringing Singa along for the adventure to stretch his little legs.

fog beach ocean shores

And when the beach gets completely socked in there are these piles of wood and trash that seem to mark all the trails leading inland, very interesting and extremely effective visual markers in the dense fog.

trail markers ocean shores

We were fortunate enough to have sun on 3 of our 6 day visit; one day was so inviting even Cleo came out for some exploration.


A sandy trail leads directly from our campground, through the sea grasses and dumps out onto the beach.


The feeding birds gave us the perfect opportunity for an Alfred Hitchcock moment, and some great photo opportunities.  Remember earlier when I said that thing about the sweet and sour? Well this should sum up the beauty of this place on a sunny day.

hanging on beach ocean shores

We were in Ocean Shores to film the Thousand Trails Oceana Campground, so happy we had the opportunity to visit this tiny town.

Have you ever been to Ocean Shores? Did you buy us a beer while were there? Know what those Wood Trash piles are called? Tell us in the comments below.

Disclaimer: While we were compensated to film the campground (thanks Thousand Trails!)…all of our experiences and opinions are NOT purchased and are still our own.