Our 15 Minutes of Fame in Canada

If you’ve never been to an RV show and you’re interested in buying an RV, what the heck are you waiting for? We were just recently in beautiful British Columba at the Abbotsford RV Show to speak on two topics that are near and dear to our hearts: Green Up Your RV Lifestyle and Travel for Free.
The Canadian media loved our story of life on the road so we were invited to speak on 3 different TV stations, and 4 different radio shows. It really seems like the Canadians are more excited about alternative lifestyles than the US media. It’s such a wonderful opportunity to reach a larger audience and share with them the love we have for travel and living life a little more green!
Here’s us on set at Breakfast Television (below) and on Rush TV (above) sharing a few of our favorite items for greening up your travels and your RV.

Arriving on setup day was quite the insight to the craziness that was about to take place. RV’s coming in the giant conference center doors, boxes and giant crates being dropped on every square inch of floorspace, and vendors scurrying around trying to setup and get the heck out before the day was gone. Nikki and I walked around to see all the craziness and to see where our main stage would be setup for our talks.

Of course Nikki and I stuck out like sore thumbs walking around all the crew, so we quickly made new friends.

We found the crowds for Greening up your RV were a little slimmer than the Camp and Travel for free segment, however both topics pretty much packed the house. It was a great feeling looking out on those chairs all full, and every now and then we’d even get a good laugh from the crowd (mostly about our drinking jokes, or us “arguing” on stage). A special thanks to all who sat through our ever evolving spcheel, and our apologies for those who came on Thursday ‘cause the speech only got better with time (like a fine wine) haha.

We met plenty of new friends including sanidumps.com who talked all about poo and gave us a great idea for a toilet paper test (which we’ll do a video on soon), 2 of the nicesest people selling the natural brand JR Watkins who offered us up some much needed hand repairing lotions and some special mint to energize our spirits, and the good people of gopower who are all about affordable solar for RV’s and Boats (and yes we hit them up about getting us solar tricked out on our next adventure too). We found ourselves spending most of our free time learning from the other seminars and exploring the new RV offerings. We were a little disappointed to see there wasn’t much out there that dazzled us or inspired us to want to switch RV’s, it sure seems like not much has changed in the past few years and the RV manufacturers as a whole are kind of in their own time warp.
Since the show’s profits are given to charity we donated our time speaking at the show, and we’re proud to say with this show the grand total of donations to local BC charities reached over $1,000,000! So if you came to the show give yourself a pat on the back, the hard earned cash you paid for those tickets was put to good use.

If our travel plans unfold the way we are hoping we may be up in Abbotsford again for the Snowbird RV show held in September. Till then we hope to see you online, and if you have any notes or photos of us from the show feel free to share, we love seeing pics of “yours truly”. Safe Travels, and thanks for showing us a great time Abbotsford, BC!