Real Time Update? We’re In The Middle Of The Pacific!

Real Time Update? We’re In The Middle Of The Pacific!

We’re not going to have any videos or posts for a couple of weeks and here is the scoop on why…

If you want to catch our real time updates from sea, at the bottom of this page (or any page on our site) you will see links to our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...and everything else.

A quick note on Real Time vs Video Time

Shooting, editing, writing, uploading and all the little details in between take an incredible amount of time.  It’s a full time job (and passion) for us.  We love it but its not something that is produced in a day.  So if you are reading a post or watching a video today it was most likely created days or weeks ago.

We try to keep everything in chronological order with only the occasional “real time” update to share big news or happenings.  I know for some of you, especially those new to our adventures this creates confusion.

On average, our videos have always been about 4-8 weeks out from real time.  Occasionally we’re able to catch up to 2-3 weeks out but that’s as close as we’ve ever been.

We enjoy focusing on capturing, creating and telling a story (our story) and we never want to feel pressured to “just publish something”.  If we’re going to send something out into the world, we want it to be something we’re proud of.

So, hopefully that sheds a little light for those of you in the dark on our timeline. 😉

Thank you so much for tuning in and being a part of our journey.  It’s because of viewers like you that we’re able to keep this website, the photos, articles and videos all flowing.

Lot’s of love from the Pacific Ocean!