When It’s Not What You Expected

Expectations are a funny thing. They can be helpful and at other times they can be our demise. When it comes to travel or new experiences, we know it’s best to have no expectations. But being the silly humans we are, we can’t help ourselves.
We read a review, check out a website or watch someone else’s video and think, “ok, I’m prepared, that’s what this experience will be like”. Especially if it’s a popular, and well-worn path.
This week we set out on a mission to get to some of New Zealand’s most popular and exotic beaches. Which happens to be on the exact opposite side of the Coromandel peninsula. Painfully close as the crow flies, yet so far away by sea.
Luckily, we received an unexpected offer, hatched a plan, and knew exactly what we were in for…or so we thought.
Turned out the whole experience was just one charming surprise after another. What we expected to be straightforward wasn’t. What we expected to be a romantic couple’s adventure turned into a community event. What we expected to be a crowded destination turned out to be secluded and romantic. Plus, I expected something to go awry and it didn’t!
But that is the beauty of travel. The only thing we can, and should, expect is the unexpected.
So, my dear friends, I am happy to report, that we had the most unexpected and positively pleasant Coromandel journey.
- Artlist, Get 2 Months for FREE: https://bit.ly/artlist-GWTW
- Artists – Sean Magwire, OK Otter, Prophecy Playground, Semo, Ian Post, Randy Sharp, Con Davison, Aves, Chris Mason, Noa Bentor, Campagna
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