How To Make The Best Banana Beer Float in the World

We may live in and travel full time in an RV but it is still the small things in life that give us the greatest pleasure!  Banana Bread Beer + Ice Cream is a winning combo and takes me to my happy place!

The Beer

I first discovered the joy of Banana Bread Beer wondering the beer section of my local Whole Foods.  I have a ritual I perform just about every time I go near the beer section.  I start with the individual beers and scan for a label that I haven’t seen or tried before.  Once I locate something that piques my interest I buy it, no matter the cost.  I have found that with beer like many other things, you get what you pay for.  This particular day it was a Wells Banana Bread Beer.  It’s usually around $5-6 per bottle and worth every penny!

The Ice Cream

Ice cream is one of my favorite desserts so naturally, I want to include it in everything possible.  I consider myself somewhat of an expert, connoisseur and a junkie.  I take my self proclaimed ice cream knowledge very seriously.  You can’t be an expert without great and extensive research and that I do plenty of!  While doing my research I try local or regional ice creams.  Considering we travel full time, I get around when it comes to ice cream.  While in St. Helena, CA I found an ice cream made in nearby Petaluma, CA.  After the first bite, I knew I would have a long and tasty love affair with Straus Family Creamery (oh how sweet our love is)!

Beer + Ice Cream = Float

Yum Yum Yum. Combine these simple ingredients for the best Banana Beer Float you’ve ever tasted! If this doesn’t satisfy you, look yourself in the mirror and give your face a good smack! This is the good life!  Enjoy.

Do you have a Beer Float favorite?