Hangin around Bar Harbor

Hangin around Bar Harbor

July 1, 2012 – Campfire and conversation

This morning we got up early to capture some footage and shots of our campground from the water.  Jason loves to shoot by kayak these days.  I can’t say I blame him.  He gets to sit and look for pretty shots while I paddle him around.  All the fun of kayaking without any of the work!  Not that I am bitter, jealous is a better word.  We had to be out of the water by 9:30am.  With the dramatic tides here in Maine, if you don’t make it back to shore before low tide you will be slopping back in the mud.

We were in Bar Harbor by 10 to have breakfast with a couple of our Canadian followers Jan and Dave.  I can’t tell you how much we love getting to know our followers!  We had great conversation and were sad to say goodbye so quickly.  They are on holiday and off to their next destination.

Tonight there was a magic show at our neighboring campground.  While I didn’t see any real magic, the kids seemed to really enjoy participating.  When I was called to the front, I just felt awkward.  I couldn’t stop staring at the magician’s hearing aid.

After the Amazing Alan, we headed back to our campground to hang out with our old/new friends Tom and Lorraine.  We sat around the fire till almost midnight yet again.  It seems like our days go by in the blink of an eye.

July 2 – 4 2012 – The quiet side

We have read and heard about Maine and it’s plethora of seafood.  One thing we have really wanted to do is catch a lobster.  We haven’t found anyone yet that knows anyone (non commercial) that could take us out.  So after talking to a few people we are going to try and gather mussels instead.  A ranger marked a few spots on the “quiet side” of Acadia and said we were free to legally harvest during low tide.

It’s very exciting gathering your own seafood!  However, it’s not so easy to clean up.

Around 9pm we finally were ready to eat!  As we are just about ready to dive in, we notice they look slightly different than we expected?  Then we do what any normal person does when something doesn’t look right, we started poking at it.  It smelled fine but had a very strange texture….almost disintegrated as we touched them?  So then we did the next logical step, try and see if the cat would eat it.  Singa took a strange glance at the mussel and an even stranger glance at us a walked away.  Singa will eat ANYTHING so we knew something was not right!  We were so BUMMED!  We were so excited and sooo hungry at this point, it’s now past 10pm!  At this point we are going to shove a few carrots in our mouths and call it a night.

July 5 – 10 2012 –Hurricane Wilson

Today we met a very cool musician and he is playing this week at our campground!  We were interested in his story and he ours, so we all went out for Lobstah to hang out.  Roger “Hurricane” Wilson has been playing at campgrounds all over the country for years.  He plays regular gigs as well but we thought it was super smart to tap into the campground scene!  What great way make money, travel and get paid to do what you love.

This week we check out the quiet side of the island, gather mussels and meet Roger Hurricane Wilson!