BOAT TOUR: The Irishman & His Electric Escape Pod

BOAT TOUR: The Irishman & His Electric Escape Pod

We’ve made a few friends here in the Vava’u Boatyard. And, by a few, I really mean three. Because that’s how many of us are living & working here on our sailboats. There’s Cyril the Frenchman, Canadian Tom, Irish Johnny, and The Americans (that’s us).

Johnny is the character we want you to meet today. He’s a friendly Irishman with an interesting story about working in The Kingdom of Tonga and converting a 1974 West Sail to electric propulsion. It’s a tale about renewable energy projects on remote islands and a mission to build back better.

Plus, we thought we should give you a break from our boat projects and show you what else is going on around here. Johnny gives us the full tour…even the library.

Most importantly, it’s a fantastic example of someone that proves you don’t need much to get out sailing NOW. Even a Wet Snail with a Barn Door will get you out on the water and living the dream.

A big thanks to Johnny for letting all of us in his tiny boat. AND, our editor (Jason) thanks you for not living up to the Irish or sailor cursing standard. You are a businessman and a gentleman. Sláinte!


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