The Burning Man Experience

The Burning Man Experience

Burning Man…an experiment in community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance.

This was our first burn.  No matter how much you research, how many videos you watch, or how many photos you look at, nothing prepares you for what lies ahead.  People ask us “what is burning man”?

Our response: “it’s anything you want it to be”!  It doesn’t matter what your reason is for going, or what you are looking for, you can find it in Black Rock City.  It’s an unbelievable experience with a flow that can be described as yin and yang.  People and things co-exist in this city that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.  I can’t tell you what others experienced, or what your burn will be, but I can tell you about our first burn.

In our neighborhood, we sat outside in our lawn chairs, played Uno, drank, ate, and shared stories.  Strangers greet you with a hug and a simple statement: “welcome home”; as if you’ve simply been away for awhile and now you are back where you belong.

Fellow burners at Burning Man

The Playa was covered with intricate art pieces that would require a special exhibit at the MOMA.  We saw more fireworks and art set on fire than most people will see in a lifetime.  The strength of flame to bring a community together is unmistakable!

Burning Man fireworks

We played oversized games like Jenga, non-stop Dodge ball, painted art and witnessed a battle between the bunnies and the carrots.

Burning Man Jenga

We marched for Waldo and his cause, shouting and flying flags in his honor. Come to find out, all he ever wanted to be a little obscure.

Waldo March at Burning Man

We were gifted snow cones in the desert, psychic cocktails and homemade crafts that inspire the creative spirit. We received gifts and we were watched over as if everyone was a big brother or sister.  New playa names were bestowed upon us with great joy, like new additions to an ancient tribe.

snow cones at Burning Man

We volunteered as lamplighters and became participants in our community. Grateful citizens passing by would shout “we love you lamplighters” and we gained a sense of pride for our city.
Lamplighters in Black Rock City

People are tolerant and understanding here, how we should be all the time. We left with big questions about Black Rock City…“Why do we come to the middle of the desert to gain a great sense of community and compassion?  What makes this city so different than our hometowns?  Can the spirit last more than a week?”  The only conclusion we came up with: everyone should experience Burning Man at least once!

people of burning man

Thinking of going to Burning Man for the first time?  Check these out:

Have you been to Burning Man?  Gift us a story of your experience in the comment box below.