Busted a Line, No Problem

Busted a Line, No Problem

We’ve been told the definition of sailing life is repairs in exotic locations.  We’re learning just how true this statement is.

In our last video we left you with a bit of a cliff hanger…me dangling from the mast, wondering how I was going to repair our busted lazy jack line.  We thought we were leaving Thompson Bay, Long Island and on our way to the Ragged Islands.  We didn’t even make it out of the bay before the line busted.

If there were ever a convenient place to have something go wrong, a safe anchorage is it. So, we dropped the anchor and did what any good sailor would do.  Grabbed a beer and stared at the problem for a while.

You may remember we busted a line right after crossing over to the Bahamas. It was our genoa sheet and the fix was as simple as running a new line.  Because the lazy jack line busted and disappeared inside the mast, we weren’t sure how to rerun the line. We used the radio to hail some of our neighbors but they hadn’t ever run a line through the mast either.

sailing life

At that point we had tried the beer stare down and our neighbors with no luck.  It was time to call the one person we knew would have the answer, Kent.  Considering this was our first repair that had us scratching our heads, we figured we better keep the cameras rolling.

How easy was that!  It’s not a perfect repair and I know there are other knots I could have used but we got the job done. What we thought was going to be super complicated turned out to be a simple project and we’re on our way again.  Somehow, I don’t think this will always be the case but I’ll take it!  Plus, I’ll take any excuse to go up the mast (in calm weather), I love the views from up here.

sailing life
the view from the top of the mast
fixing things in exotic locations
fixing things in exotic locations
All patched up!

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