One Last Dive, Goodbye Bora Bora

It’s our last couple of days in Bora Bora and while it didn’t turn out like we planned (what does these days?) we squeeze in one last dive to say a proper goodbye to all our new friends. Then it’s anchor up, sails up and on to the next island paradise.
Can you believe all those spotted eagle rays came over just for our farewell dive?!? Chances are, if you hang out around the same area, they’ll come say hello to you too. We didn’t spot them every time, but often enough to lure us over regardless of where Curiosity was anchored.

Add in a few sting rays, reef sharks, damsel fish along with an octopus sighting and you can see why it became our favorite spot in Bora Bora.
But, no day in the sea is complete without picking up some plastic. It’s our daily reminder to be mindful of everything we use and especially of everything we throw away.

We signed up as ambassadors for 5Gyres this year to step up our game on helping to save our oceans. You can be an ambassador too! It doesn’t cost a penny. So, if you don’t have money to donate but want to help, they have loads of free resources and information they need help spreading the word about. If you are looking for ideas on how to go #PlasticFree or you’re searching for better alternatives for the plastics in your life, check out this guide from 5Gyres:
What’s Up With That Chain?
Yes, this is just the beginning of the great anchor chain scandal and this won’t be the last you hear of it. Chaingate is just getting started. We’re 99% sure we were sold fake G4 chain (and a very good fake at that). We’re still digging to get to the bottom of it but we’ll report back with more once we have some solid information to share.
See The Chain Replacement Story Here:
One failing anchor chain and a busted water pump aside, we’re still afloat. We’re sailing the paradise that is the South Pacific and life is good. So, onward to Tahaa we go!

Sharing our lives and what we learn along the way is possible because of viewers like you. If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support. Thank you for being a part of the journey.
- All our camera gear:
- All Dive Gear Info & Reviews Here:
🎶AWESOME tunes:
- Source:
- Artists: Giants and Pilgrims (Intro Music)
- Main Artist: Joakim Karud

Bora Bora, French Polynesia
- Anchorage: Bloody Mary’s
- Date: December 2018