Our New Hybrid Electric Catamaran

We’ve been building our dream boat “in theory” for years. Which has never been in the form of sketches but rather a list of features that would create the most self-sufficient boat possible. Because…
Self-Reliance: To rely on our own resources and limit our need for a marina or fuel dock.
Sustainability: Thinking about what we do today and how it will affect next week, next year, the next decade, and so on. It’s the recognition that we’re all part of a living system and everything we do impacts the world around us.
In other words, we want to be out in the world living and exploring for as long as possible. Both in terms of not having to worry about our resources or our habitat disappearing. It’s practical, not political.
And we know we’re not the only ones seeking this kind of freedom because we have you! Our community of like-minded people we’ve been having this exact conversation with for the past decade. It doesn’t matter if you are in an RV, Tiny House, Sailboat, Motorboat, Homestead, Farm, Ranch or Off-Grid Island Resort…at the end of the day, we’ve all connected over our love for nature and our desire to be in it.
This new boat is the continuation of that conversation and desire. This is not the ultimate, all-time perfect eco boat or zero-footprint anything. Not even close. It’s the best option that we could find working with viable, available solutions. It’s the type of innovation we want to support, encourage and see way more of. Selfishly of course. Because we would love nothing more than to one day announce our all-time perfect sustainable boat with living hulls made of oysters and other bivalve mollusks that naturally propel the boat as they filter feed and improve the water as we travel the world’s oceans. It may seem preposterous now but in my defense, prior to 1961 most people didn’t think humans would be living in outer space…so anything is possible.
But until then, here is the sexiest, most self-sufficient sub-50-foot sailing catamaran we will soon call home!
This is the beginning of a very exciting journey and because we share it with you (thank you for being a part of it) we want to hear your thoughts! What are you most interested in as we build this boat? What systems or features you would like us to dive into as things progress? Is there a feature or a piece of tech you don’t see that you think we should consider? We’re all ears and eyes!
Learn more about HH Catamarans: hhcatamarans.com/hh44-wynns
Full Disclosure: Transparency is important to us because we want you to understand what our relationship with HH Catamarans means and how it will affect our content. The short answer is, that it won’t. We did receive a small discount on the purchase of our boat in exchange for the publicity HH Catamarans will receive. But HH fully agreed that it was important we retain full creative freedom and continue to create as we always have, by sharing our honest experiences. It’s because of this shared desire for transparency that we are very much looking forward to working with and owning an HH Catamaran.