Is Living On A Boat Worth It?

Is living on a boat really worth it? Are the rewards of sailing around the world worth all the work? These are questions we get asked all the time. It's also what Mel and Coop, our seasoned Coast Guard veterans, wanted to find out when they signed up as our Curiosity Crew. Because they are beautifully rooted in Hawaii but are contemplating setting sail on a boat of their own.
So, after a full week of sailing with wild tides, unsettled weather, and anchoring challenges, we find out. Is liveaboard life what they expected? Did we crush their dreams or further fuel the fire?
Looking for the headsets we use or maybe our favorite sailing apps? You'll find it all in our Gear Guides:
Gear Guides For Sailing, RV’ing and Living Off The Grid
We’re not encouraging you to buy stuff you don’t need, but any grand adventure requires some gear. We’ve been traveling full time since 2011 and have purchased a lot of gear that has stood the test of time and continues to travel with us.