Want To Go On A Sailing Adventure, Join Our Crew

Want To Go On A Sailing Adventure, Join Our Crew

You’ve already envisioned the experience. Miles of pristine sandy beaches, islands begging to be explored, cartoon worthy clouds, the sun warming your cheeks and water lapping at the side of the boat.

We’ve lured you in, you’ve caught the sailing bug and you’re ready to come aboard for a sailing adventure. Excellent!

Sharing the adventures with everyone virtually is fantastic, but nothing beats reality.  We have two open cabins available and want to fill them both with adventurous spirits!

One cabin is open to anyone and the other is reserved for our Patreon’s (you can learn more about Patreon here).

***2017 Crew Has Been Chosen – Stay Tuned For 2018 Opportunities!***

What you need to know to be Curiosity Crew

We are stoked to share the experience with you but, before we go committing ourselves to anything, there are a few things we need to tell you.  Then, if you still want to join the crew, the submission details are below.

S/V Curiosity is an interactive experience, adventure base camp and mode of transportation.  Curiosity isn’t automated and requires crew to make her come to life.  Which means she takes no passengers. The moment you step aboard you become a part of the crew.

Crew / kro͞o / noun
A group of people who work on and operate a ship, boat, aircraft, spacecraft, or train. A group of people who work closely together.  A group of friends.

What is expected of crew?

It’s super important to understand you are embarking on an interactive adventure, not going on vacation (as in this isn’t a charter).  You are being invited on board as a participant.  We will all be living together, working together and exploring together.  We will move past friendship and into “like family” territory quickly.

  • We’ll share most of the roles equally. Everything from shifts at the helm keeping watch, to cleaning, cooking, maintaining the boat, provision runs and so on.  We are essentially our own floating island, tiny community and it certainly takes the whole village to keep it running.
  • Everything we do is a shared experience, both on board and virtually. You will become a part of the creative process both in front of and behind the camera.
  • This should not be your first time on a boat. Maybe you’ve been on long fishing trips, on a cruise, a friend’s ski boat… you need to have some familiarity with boats.
  • You need to know how to swim. You don’t need to be Michael Phelps but you need to be comfortable in the water without floaties.
  • No smoking on board and no illegal drugs, but there will be alcohol. We are all about enjoying a cold beer, glass of wine or crafting up a cocktail when the time is right (ie. not on watch).
  • The sailboat and your cabin along with some fun perks are cover by us but we’ll need to split food & drink costs. To give you an idea, we give ourselves a budget of $10 per day per person.
  • Connectivity is limited. Cell phone reception and internet is intermittent, not that fast, can be expensive and sometimes nonexistent. You must be okay with this.
  • We have two cats on board and they are the admirals (we are all at their mercy). You can’t be allergic.

Where We’re Sailing To

This isn’t the exact route (our plans all depend on weather) but it’s the general idea.  We’ll depart Florida the first week of June 2017, bust tail to get out of the hurricane belt and spend a good amount of time exploring Costa Rica, Panama and Columbia.  Then, in late November 2017 prepare to transit the Panama canal.  So, lots of crewing opportunities within that six month time frame!

Sailing Map

Getting To and From The Boat

There are a lot of sayings related to sailing and one well known and often repeated is “you can pick the location or the time, not both”.  It’s the truth.  We are on mother nature’s schedule and she is, despite the weather predictions, mostly unpredictable.  She can change her mind and direction any time she chooses.  We can give you a general idea of where Curiosity will be but we’ll only be certain once we’re there.  Having a flexible schedule and patience is a must.

You may have to take different modes of transportation before you step onto our sugar scoop.  There could be ferries, sea planes or bartering with a fisherman involved…be prepared for anything.  Getting to and from the boat (flights, taxi’s, ferries, etc) are your responsibility.  That said, we will do what we can to make it as fun and painless as we can.

This adventure isn’t for you if

  • You are under 21 years old.
  • Get sea sick easily or often.
  • Your dates and schedule are not flexible.
  • Tolerance is a must. Adventure is for everyone and as travelers, we are always the visitor.  If you don’t respect others thoughts, beliefs, opinions and sexual orientation, this isn’t for you.
  • Have a major medical condition – You will be far, far away from major medical at times. If you have a condition that requires major medical help quickly, this isn’t for you.

Join The Crew, Submission Details

We know there are a lot of people out there who would love the opportunity to experience the sailing lifestyle or simply go on a big adventure.  We wish we could bring each one of you aboard, but sadly we only have two cabins.  We hope to make this an ongoing opportunity.  So don’t fret, if you are not selected this time around, there will be other opportunities.

  • This is a minimum of a 4-week commitment. We’ll plan a short honeymoon period and drop off location if things just don’t work out for some unknown reason.
  • Can be an individual, couple or two separate individuals willing to share a cabin. Anyone wanting to come aboard must be included in the submission process (video, email, etc).
  • 3 minute or less video submission required to be considered. This isn’t a video contest, this is an opportunity to introduce yourself. Upload your video to YouTube (or vimeo) and let us know:
    • Who are you and why do you want to come aboard?
    • What will you contribute to the crew? Maybe you are an expert sailor who can help sharpen the crew’s skills.  A video editor who can lend some new techniques to our videos.  A marine biologist passionate about the environment who wants to help educate and create awareness for our oceans.  A master brewer who wants to test his skills at sea…It can be anything!
  • Resume w/References – Yes, we want to see your resume along with references. We’re inviting you into our lives and our home.  We think it’s important to get to know you at least as much as we would if we were hiring you for a job.
  • Application Deadline – May 15, 2017
  • Applications Submitted Here – Please send your video link, resume and any last thoughts you think we should know (100 words or less) to: sailingcrew(at)gonewiththewynns(dot)com   This email address is for submissions only.  It will not be monitored outside of submission dates and anything other than submissions will not be responded to.

Additional Reading

Whew, congrats for making it this far!  We tried to be honest and help set realistic expectations and cover everything we could think of that you might want to know before submitting.  If we left something major out, please leave us a comment below and we’ll update the information.

Thanks for being a part of the journey and we are mega crazy excited to see your submission and welcome you aboard!!!