Moving RV’s – What a Pain in the A**

Who knew moving houses only five feet from each other would still be so much work…I take that back, the moving was simple, the organizing (the cabinets are different sizes), purging (the toys we planned on using, haven’t, and now need to let go) and growing pains of learning a new RV (auto gen start, different slides, electrical systems…) are well, way more work that we ever anticipated! So much in fact that we are still settling in.

Before we moved all our junk in, we shot this quick look so you could see our new RV just as it comes…gold bedding and all.
As you can see, I have a decorating challenge on my hands (its really not that bad, just not totally our style “as is”). So, while we continue to put our touch on the place and find nooks and crannies for all of our stuff, you should hit the play button on the video below. It will give you a little glimpse into what our RV moving day was like.
You never know how much stuff you have until you have to move it all (especially in sub-freezing temps)! Now, I do realize that by most normal home standards, we really don’t have much stuff at all and that is one thing we love about RV’ing. When you are living and traveling in an RV you are focused on experiences, not possessions. So, with that philosophy in mind we plan to ditch some of these possessions we’ve accumulated over the past few years on the road, so we can travel lighter in 2014 and focus even more on our upcoming adventures!
The other task we have ahead of us is naming this RV. Naming an RV is important, as its a major character in this very long winded story of ours. The one thing we know for sure is this one isn’t a girl. The bold black interior and black and gold swirl exterior has it feeling a bit more like a bachelor pad…so we need a name that’s fitting. If you have any ideas, we’re all ears! Just leave us your thoughts in the comment box below.