Learn to Surf and Why You Should Take a Lesson

Learn to Surf and Why You Should Take a Lesson

We LOVE everything about surfing. Surfing is totally eco-friendly considering it doesn’t require anything other than a surf board (and definitely some courage).  We love spending time on the beach, hangin’ in cool beach towns and we love surfers that have the laid back “Aloha” spirit.  That being said……most of our lives we’ve been land locked in Texas!

Other than wake surfing behind the boat at the lake, we’re newbie’s when it comes to surfing.  While hanging out in Pacifica CA, a surfing hot spot for San Francisco, we had to take advantage of the opportunity to catch some real ocean waves!

Not really knowing where to start or where to get gear, we reached out to the locals!  We’ve become very comfortable with talking to strangers; in fact, we highly encourage it!  The local surfers recommended taking a surf lesson from Surf Camp Pacifica.  Not because we couldn’t figure it out on our own (at least that’s what we tell ourselves), but more for the education of surfing etiquette, understanding of the ocean, and how to read the waves.  Great advice from the locals, the lesson was loads of fun and worth every penny.  Taking a surf lesson is a different experience compared to our normal “wing-it” style: rent a cheap board, find some waves, get thrown off the board and eat sand.  So, if you find yourself wanting to surf, don’t be cheap…..get a surf lesson, you can thank us later.

Watch the video…it’ll give you an idea of what to expect and you can watch Nikki look like a pro:  now, you wanna see the pros, watch our video on the Pedro Point Kahuna Kaupuna Classic Surf Competition

Have you taken a surf lesson or have a great surfing story…share in the comment box below!