This Is Why We Live On A SailBoat!

This Is Why We Live On A SailBoat!

Living on the ocean sounds romantic, but that isn’t what motivated us to move aboard a sailboat.  Sailing for us is about exploring the far flung reaches of the world and discovering places we don’t yet know exist.

Tikehau is one of those places!

We didn’t know what an atoll really was, much less where one was just a couple of years ago.  Now, we’re exploring one of the most notorious stretches of atolls in the world.  The Tuamotu Archipelago!  To say we’re stoked would be an understatement.

Skinny landscapes like I have never seen, manta rays a swimming, schools of fish abound, and sunscape’s that could subdue any soul.  From our salty lenses to your screen, here’s a tiny slice of what we have seen.

It’s a strange sense of satisfaction to make it to a part of the world I have dreamed most of my life…but didn’t know was real.  That is what the Tuamotu atolls are.  A dream world, hiding out just above the waterline in the South Pacific.

tiny motu inside an atoll in the south pacific
stunning sunset on a remote atoll in south pacific

Should you find yourself in this part of the world, it’s good to know there’s not much going on.  Most of the motu’s (tiny islets) are uninhabited, and other than a dive boat from the private hotel you might not see another soul.

stunning sunset on a remote atoll in south pacific

There is a sleepy little town called Tuherahera which is where we anchored the first few nights.  Our cell phones spat out “EDGE” connectivity too slow for even a single email.

There was one small, family run resort that was willing to let us come ashore.  They had cold beer and working WiFi (albeit slow).  It’s called the Royal Tikehau.  The owners were welcoming and even opened the bar a little early for us so we could upload some photos to Instagram.  But we came here to disconnect & dive so wifi wasn’t a priority.

As for disconnecting and diving, this is one of the best spots we’ve ever sailed too.  Tikehau, we’re sad to leave you…but the dolphins in the next atoll are calling.

Manta Manta, Don’t-cha Wanna Save The Mantas

The Manta Rays were a big draw for us.  They are magical creatures and we’ll gladly sail a few hundred miles to have private hang out sessions.

freediving with manta rays in the south pacific
freediving with manta rays in the south pacific
freediving with manta rays in the south pacific

Sadly, the locals say the manta numbers have been dwindling.  Choosing sustainably caught seafood can make a big difference.

“Our oceans are now in a state of global crisis, brought about by ocean warming, acidification, pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing – the single biggest threat to ocean life. Today nearly 90% of the world’s marine stocks are fully exploited, overexploited or depleted.”

There are lots of organizations out there doing their best to spread awareness and education about our oceans.  Their websites are chock full of info and it’s where we go to learn about ways we can do our part.  5Gyres, Oceana and Manta Trust are just a few.

But, we are talking about Mantas…so here are five tips to eat more sustainably and help save Mantas:


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🎶AWESOME tunes:


Date:  March 2019