Boat Life On The Isle of Wine

Boat Life On The Isle of Wine

My fingernails are peeling off in layers, sort of like an onion, and together with the caulk residue, it looks like the remnants of a french manicure gone bad. I also managed to bash my pinky toe on the last batten just before we slid it into the mainsail. I will no doubt lose that toenail.

And then there is Jason’s thumb, which had an altercation with a razor blade. It’s the lingering physical evidence of the last three weeks of boat projects. Clearly, this round was particularly harsh on the extremities.

These two sailors are parched and our bodies and minds are in need of a little R&R. So, we set sail for the Isle of Wine.

It’s been called the Martha’s Vineyard of New Zealand, the honeymoon destination and the Aucklanders escape from the city. It’s the country’s 11th largest island but the second-most densely populated at a whopping 7,689.

It is none other than the island of Waiheke.


There are hiking trails all around the island but you’ll only catch the art every 2 years as it’s a biennial event (only every 2 years). How lucky were we!

Sculpture On The Gulf:


The e-bikes in this video are NOT perfect and I would hesitate to recommend them. We also have an e-bike we DO recommend. Here is the scoop on both.

Tiny Jetson e-bikes: We’re thrilled to have them and they are better than nothing. They are the smallest, lightest (34 lbs), most compact folding e-bikes we could find at the time (circa 2019).

  • The Bad – The bike is not ideal for taller or heavier individuals. It struggles to maintain speed when climbing hills and depending on your weight, slows to almost a stop if it’s really steep. It has a responsive rear brake but is not reliable on a steep downhill. The seat is uncomfortable for long rides. It has a limited range of 17 miles (because of no pedals).
  • The Good – The E-Bike doesn’t have pedals, a chain, or cassette (less to rust and maintain). The bike can fold down and fit in almost any of our large storage lockers (main deciding factor) and is easy to load up in the dinghy. They are really affordable for an e-bike…but you get what you pay for.
  • Buy Jetson Bolt –

GREAT e-bikes: If we had a bigger dry storage locker that could have fit our Blix E-Bikes…we would have loaded those up in our crates. We absolutely love those bikes and miss not having them. If you have the room, go for a Blix or similar quality. You will never need to rent another island bike and they are a helluva good time!

Full Blix Review:



  • Artlist, Get 2 Months for FREE:
  • Artists – Sean Magwire, Niahn ft GRP, Jamie Rutherford, Evert Z, Alex Makemusic, Stefano Mastronardi, Sean Twomey, Luc Allieres, Anthony Lazaro, James Forest


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