The Lighting of Cupcake Mountain, One of a Kind Flare Art


Think you’ve seen flare art before….think again. The Leaping Lizard Tribe in Lake Havasu City does flare art as you’ve never seen before. Using the natural silhouette of Cupcake Mountain the tribe loads up their bags for an extreme night of hiking, low impact camping, drinking, and pyrotechnics on the top of the mountain. Men of our own principles they pack it in and pack it out, the mountain is completely cleaned before, during, and after the event to keep Cupcake Mountain in pristine condition. Join us as we document the 25th and final lighting of Cupcake Mountain. That’s right the final burn. It’s a bittersweet night for Tim O’Connor (the founder of the Leaping Lizards) and his crew. Tim claims “this is not the last of the pyromania you will see out of this tribe”. Citizens of Lake Havasu, keep your eyes on the mountains, you never know what they will come up with next.


Cupcake Mountain despite it’s whimsical name is the most advanced hike in Lake Havasu City. It’s a 6-mile round trip and 1700ft in elevation gain, the hike is full of rugged terrain and steep rocks. Cupcake earned its name in the late 1930s during a rare cold year. The Whipple Mt. Range, in which Cupcake is nestled, received a dusting of snow making it look like a frosted cupcake.  Hence……Cupcake Mountain!


Cupcake Mountain is located just outside of Lake Havasu City. We first learned of the wonderful and exciting world of Lake Havasu City while on the “Best of the Road” competition. We only had 24 hours in this small town, but while we were there we learned about the unique history, landscape and even more unique people of Lake Havasu City. We had such a great time we knew we had to come back to explore more. Learning that this was a big RV destination, we knew we would find a great parking spot for Windy (our RV). The first thing we did when we arrived in town was call the visitors center!  We found out about all kinds of amazing events like underwater pumpkin carving,  Fright Night and of course The Lighting of Cupcake Mountain!  We couldn’t have expected the amazing journey we found with the Leaping Lizards and their fearless founder Tim.  The Lizards allowed us to slither along with them and even participate in their crazy antics. Tim and his friends have an infectious ambition and a lust for life that leaves you hyped and wanting more adventure!