Fifty Shades of Blue in Bora Bora

Fifty Shades of Blue in Bora Bora

Like so many people, we had a romanticized image of Bora Bora as the honeymooner’s island with fifty shades of blue. The fifty shades of blue part is dead on, but the soul of this First Born island goes much deeper than the overwater bungalows.

Now that we’ve been here for a couple of weeks we’re starting to get in the groove of the place.  The water is where most of the action is and rightfully so!

However, this landscape begs to be explored and its peaks are just as seductive as the varying shades of liquid blue. The resort culture doesn’t make it easy.  Meaning if you are not staying at one of the resorts, it can be tricky to figure out where to go and what to do.  Most of the island is privately owned (by the resorts) and the “prive” signs are abundant.  BUT…there is life outside of the resorts.

Car and scooter rentals are the typical choice of transportation because Bora Bora isn’t really a walking destination. But like most anywhere, if we just start walking, there is always something to discover.

Do you think Captain Cook would recognize Bora Bora today?  Would he book an overwater bungalow and a day at the spa?  My guess…as long as the Queen is paying the bill, probably.  Ha, and I wouldn’t blame him!


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🎶AWESOME tunes:

  • Source:
    • Artists: Giants and Pilgrims (Intro Music)
  • Main Artist: Andrew Applepie


Bora Bora, French Polynesia

  • Anchorage:  Motu Toopua
  • Date:  December 2018