Goodbye Paradise, Hello Blue Lagoon

Goodbye Paradise, Hello Blue Lagoon

Saying bye to good times and good people never seems to get any easier.  With lumps in our throats and salt water collecting in our eyes, we pull up the anchor and set sail once again.

Aitutaki is our next island destination here in the Cook Islands.  It’s known as the “honeymoon island”, “the worlds most beautiful lagoon” and some say it’s “the Bora Bora of the Cook Islands”.  All we know is our new friends in Raro told us it’s a must visit.

The Cook Islands have proved to be some of the most challenging anchorages we’ve ever experienced.  Rarotonga was an ongoing roll of the dice with the exposed quay and now Aitutaki with it’s skinny (in all aspects) entry, shesh!  But hey, now that we’re in, it’s protected and calm…and that alone is worth the effort.  But, with that in mind, if your boat has a draft of more than 5 feet …I wouldn’t attempt it.

aitutaki lagoon entrance for boats

And speaking of being tempted, how about those giant clams.  The lips were like art in motion with their glowing colors pulsing about.  I don’t think I have ever seen anything more psychedelic!

giant clams aitutaki south pacific
giant clams aitutaki south pacific
nikki wynn swimming with giant clams aitutaki south pacific

The private lagoon tour we took was fun, but it made us realize how spoiled we are.  Normally (when allowed to use our dinghy) we’d spend 1 or 2 full days hitting those little islands and snorkel spots. We’d take extra time to capture timelapse of clouds and killer drone footage of the lagoon.  But with this half-day tour we felt incredibly rushed and we could have spent a lot more time with those giant clams.  We’d arrive to a stop and our guide would say “you have 10 minutes”.  We would be hard pressed to recommend such a tour anywhere else but it was the only way we were going to get out on Aitutaki’s Lagoon.

Now that we’ve seen the lagoon we’re stoked to check out the land…just as soon as soon as this massive blow passes through 🤞


Ups, downs and all arounds, we share them all.  We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear store and put tips in our production jar.  If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support.  Thank you for being a part of the journey!




🎶AWESOME tunes:

  • Source:
    •   Artists – Giants & Pilgrims (intro), Borrtex, Eldar Kedem, Jamie Bathgate, & Red City Hero


  • Nautical Miles Sailed: 168
  • Date:  June 2019