Simple Moments of Love – Daily Life on a Boat

It’s the simple moments that are remembered most.
Every day we all experience a few little moments that stick with us. It could be something someone said that keeps tumbling around in our mind, or spotting something that stopped us in our tracks, even if only for a second glance.
But in this chaotic day-to-day world of uncertainty, noise, and unease, these are the moments we need to sink into the most. These small, seemingly insignificant moments are what make up the story of our lives.
It’s finding the exotic in every day. Some days it takes more effort than others but is a mission worth taking on.
And for me, life on the ocean, slowly sailing about from one rock to another seems to be uniquely filled with these simple moments of love, joy, and curiosity.
Sitting on the bow with the wind whipping my hair and the gentle spray of water kissing my feet as the boat presses into a wave. The dinghy splashing behind the boat like a dog scratching at the door begging to go out and explore. The gritty sound of sand squeaking beneath my feet and the taste of salt in the air.
I could go on and on but it’s these little details that keep me grounded to this untethered lifestyle.
Because there are many parallels to surviving and thriving in paradise, but it’s the simple moments that are remembered most. And that’s the sentiment I hope you get from this week’s story.
Just like our big anchor for Curiosity, we use the Mantus dinghy anchor and we love it. Digs in, sets and doesn’t budge. Plus, it easily packs down if you don’t have a dinghy locker.
- Artist: Katrina Stone, Paper Planes, Platonick, Skygaze
- Music Source, Artlist: Get 2 Months Free
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