Dear Windy, We are leaving you…Seriously

Dear Windy, We are leaving you…Seriously

Windy, we know we have been a little off and on again and we are really sorry about that.  We told you back in 2011 that we needed to downsize to an RV smaller than 30 feet, then we begged you to take us back.  We know we were a little indecisive but this time we are serious and we promise no take backs.  We are approaching 2014 and we have some major plans that unfortunately don’t include you.  I know that may seem a little ungrateful but please don’t take it personally, the time has come for us to move in another direction.  We all knew this relationship was temporary from the beginning and it’s been a really great ride with a lot of great memories.

camping at walmartwynns rvWynns and the RV at Burning Man

We will always remember you fondly and hope you feel the same way.  We wish we could tell you all about our big plans for 2014 but we can’t divulge just yet.  For now all we can tell you is that we are moving out December 10th and going to work hard to find you new worthy travel companions.  So, until then lets enjoy these last three weeks together and end this relationship on a good note.  After all, we would love to remain friends.

Thanks for everything (with tears swelling…),

Nikki, Jason, Singa and Miss Cleo

If you know of anyone that would be interested in a sleek lady like Windy, have them send us requests by email.  You can see the full specs here:

Our first attempted breakup from August 2011:

It’s been a good run and we have had a lot of great times together, but it’s time for us to move on.  Please don’t beat yourself up, it’s us not you.  We have all changed so much over the last year and a half.  You have so much to offer and we know you will find someone amazing to replace us.  You will find someone who wants to show you the rest of the world and take you back to your favorite places.

We don’t know what is next for us.  Maybe a tiny trailer, a camper van or a smaller class A, we don’t know what it will be but we hope you will stick around to find out.  We just know we have some changes to make in our lives and how we travel.  As a challenge to ourselves we want to downsize even further and will continue to travel, cross new borders and help even more people achieve their travel goals.  To do this we have to make some changes.

We will help you find someone who will love your upgrades, additions and boondocking capabilities, this we promise.


Jason, Nikki, Singa and Miss Cleo