Living With A Family Of 5 On A Sailboat

Living With A Family Of 5 On A Sailboat

We’re still stuck in Fiji waiting on borders to open so we can get back to our floating home. Until then, we’re boat hopping and seeing what life is like with a family of 5.

We’ve been staying with our friend Mark from s/v Millennium who doesn’t have an email address much less an Instagram account or YouTube channel. He’s a behind the scenes kinda guy who just likes to sail, surf and …well, that’s it. Just sail and surf.

So, this adventure will be quite different. This is a 3 teenager, homeschooling, dive, kite, YouTube crazy family adventure boat.

We first met Sailing Zatara in Tonga and it was like running into family at the grocery store. Familiar, friendly…very American and very Texas.

Now, here we are in Fiji. Living together. I would have never, in a million years, expected this is where we would be!


Ups, downs and all arounds, we share it all. We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear store, and toss a tip in our production jar. If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support.


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From Artlist & You can get 2 Months FREE with this link:
Artists – Ian Post, Lux Inspira, & Tony Petersen