Mission Panamania, Operation: Miami to Nassau

Mission Panamania, Operation: Miami to Nassau

Our first year of sailing we managed to rack up over 3000 nautical miles bumming around south Florida and the Bahamas.  It was a year filled with learning how to sail, maintaining our boat and getting in the groove of our new life afloat.

But, it’s time to take off our training wheels.  We’re still newbies at best but if we want to grow up to be world exploring sailors, this is where it starts.

There are well over 1200 nautical miles between our anchorage in Miami and our hurricane hideout territory below the 12th Parallel in Central and South America.  Our goal is to be in Panama by August 1st.  That gives us 17 days to wind our way through the Bahamas and cut between Haiti and Cuba as we make a beeline for Panama.

We have a rough idea of what our route will look like but we’re on mother nature’s schedule now.  We will surrender all plans over to her, go where the wind blows and be patient when it does not.

sailing Miami to panama

We’ve crossed the gulf stream twice now.  Our first crossing was exciting because it was the first time we had ever lost sight of land and truly been out at sea.  We waited for our weather window and mother nature rewarded us with mild seas and dolphin escorts as we crossed over into Bahamian waters.  Our second crossing was headed back to Florida with seas so calm, we couldn’t even tell we were in the stream!

Here we go for another round of exciting firsts as we take on the gulf stream for the 3rd time.  Join us, and the new Curiosity crew, for part one of what we are calling Mission Panamania.

So far so good!  We have zero complaints about the first leg of our journey.  Clear blue waters, fresh fish and can do salty attitudes, what’s not to be happy about.  It feels sooo good to be moving again, we almost didn’t want to stop.

We’re all getting in the groove of our shifts and we’ve got a boat load of new gadgets to program and play with.  Plus, Dale and Justin are both new to sailing so there’s a lot of learning going on through each shift.  They are both like sponges and are learning quick!

We’ve broken the shifts up between the girls and the boys.  Us girls are on watch from 12-3 and 6-9 both am and pm.  It’s working out nicely as we all get to watch sunrise and sunset together as well as eat meals together.

Overall, it’s been a fun start and all crew members are getting along like peanut butter and jelly.  Everyone is pitching in and doing their part, we each feel like we have enough space and time to ourselves, and the cats haven’t tried to toss anyone overboard.  Granted, we’re only a few days in, so I will hold all final thoughts until we reach Panama in one piece. 😉

Curiosity Crew

Wondering who Dale and Justin are and how they became part of the crew?  They are our first Patreon crew members to join us from our crew call we placed earlier this year.

Sailing Report

sailing to nassau

To see our full map with interactive pins, click here: gonewiththewynns.com/map

  • Dates: July 14 – 17, 2017
  • Nautical Miles Sailed: 235
  • Anchorage:  Old Fort Bay.  Anchorage can be found easily on Active Captain.
  • Cell & WiFi: Our BTC cell phone signal was good.

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