Stranded During A Pandemic, Will We Ever Get Home?

Today marks our 60th day of being stranded in Fiji because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 60 days of quarantine, isolation, and being separated from our home in a foreign country.
Every day we wake up with the same question on our minds. Will We Ever Get Home? Our sailboat CURIOSITY is in Tonga, just a short one-hour flight from Fiji…so close and yet so far away.
Like many of you, Coronavirus has turned our world upside down and left us in a strange state of intermission.
How did we get here and when do we get out?
Welcome to real-time with The Wynns!
We want to take advantage of this time to cover topics we previously haven’t had the time for. So…what are your burning questions? What would you like to know or see? It can be anything…so don’t hold back! Leave us a comment down below and we’ll get the cameras rolling!
Previous Fiji Videos:

Pip Squeak The Foster Cat
Pips full story will be shared soon but until then, check out the fantastic non-profit Animals Fiji:
We’re volunteering with them while we are here and WOW, they are doing some incredible work with very limited resources. If you would like to donate to Animals Fiji, please reference Pip or Gone With The Wynns so that we can keep track of donations and share what those donations were able to accomplish.
Ups, downs and all around, we share it all. We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear store and toss a tip in our production jar. If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support. Thank you for being a part of the journey!
- See All Of Our Photo & Video Gear here:
- Source 2 Months FREE with this link:
- Artist – Moon