We have gotten floods of emails, comments and questions as to why we are selling Windy and why we are downsizing.  We have 2 reasons.  One is a personal challenge and the other is sharing the experience of buying a coach. 1.  As Americans and especially as Texans we have come from a world where more is more and we want to get to a place where less is more.  Sure our 32ft coach isn’t huge but it is still more storage than we really truly need which means we carry around more than we need.  We have challenged ourselves to live in and with what we really truly need.  Also, we want to eventually travel beyond the U.S.A. and to do that we are going to need to start downsizing now.  We have some other interesting ways we want to travel and those ways won’t allow for excess.  Let’s just say we won’t be backpacking but we will be exploring the world like its 1492!