Van Life With My Mom

Van Life With My Mom

Never, did I ever think we (as a married couple) would be sharing a bed with my mother-in-law!?!  Yet, here we are.  Let’s just say our closeness as a family has reached an all new…surround sound snoring level.

But, it’s for a good reason!

Mary (Jason’s mom) has boldly decided to take on the unsedentary life of a nomad.  She sold everything, downsized drastically and moved into a van. Or camper van or RV, whichever you want to call it.  We just call it Mary’s Van.

She said she wanted to “learn from the experts”. Ha, poor mom!

After a decade of traveling homes, we have come a long way from our first how-not-to composting toilet install and figuring out how to use a tire plug.  But, we’re not experts (just don’t tell mom that).  Good at learning from our mistakes, perhaps?

Experts or not, mom has helped us and finally, we have the chance to help her.  So, we’ve moved in with mom to show her our wild camping, nomadic ways firsthand.

It’s been an interesting challenge for her to say the least.  Van, RV, or boat, it’s a huge lifestyle change and a big learning curve with lots of new systems and resources to manage.

Which is why we wanted to share her story with you.  She’s chockful of newbie excitement and frustrations.  So, in this video, we dive into why she wanted a van, what’s working and what’s not.

Van Mods/Upgrades We Made For Mom


🎶AWESOME tunes:


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