Dirty Jobs & Superman Swim Throughs

Dirty Jobs & Superman Swim Throughs

Life on a sailboat is anything but typical. However, there are so many things that are typical of the sailing lifestyle.  Looking back at this week of our lives, especially with new crew on board, it is clear to me just how unordinary our daily lives are.

I love the big adventures and destinations but it’s the unique everyday aspects of this salty life that are simultaneously the most challenging and rewarding.

Jungle walkabouts, boat repairs, climbing up the mast to remove a bird’s nest and swimming through sea tunnels…typical of the sailing lifestyle but fantastically unordinary.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not boasting, it’s more of an ongoing realization that everyday life is an adventure if we choose to see it that way.  Not everyone views their home breaking and needing repairs as an adventure, much less an enjoyable one, especially in the moment.  We spit and curse through plenty of life too, but it’s all part of it.  The days we remember to embrace it all, even the repairs and mishaps, are way more fun.

So, with all that in mind, hit the play button and join us for our last few days here on Isla Bastimentos in Panama.

It’s hard to believe we’ve been exploring the Bocas Del Toro archipelago for six weeks now and a whole month of it has been at Isla Bastimentos (minus the one-week road trip to Boquete).  I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface of the area.  It was our final few days at the marina so we were rushing to get the boat squared away and see all the places we had been procrastinating on visiting.

sailing and exploring bocas del toro
sloth bastimentos panama
sailing and exploring bocas del toro

Old Bank, or Bastimentos as the locals call it, is definitely worth a visit.  The hike up the hill to the coffee shop, Wizard Beach and the little restaurant all made for a great walkabout.  But be warned…the water coming into the dock is crazy shallow with coral bombs everywhere, so follow a panga or make sure you keep a sharp eye.

bocas del toro panama
sailing and exploring bocas del toro
bastimentos panama
sailing and exploring bocas del toro
spiders of bocas del toro

If you happen to find yourself near Polo Beach and you want to snorkel some of the awesome swim-through caves, we found the best ones immediately east of the islands that separate Turtle Beach from Polo Beach.  There’s plenty to see between those islands and that little speck of an Island we showed in the video.

We’ve moved to the anchorage just outside Red Frog Marina and we’re hanging out a few more days waiting on the local chocolate farm to open (because learning how chocolate is born is worth sticking around for!).  After that, we’re sailing south(ish) to explore a little more of Panama’s Caribbean coast before we transit the canal.

Gear Used In This Video

Cameras Used to Capture The Adventure

Sailing Report

To see our full map with interactive pins, click here: gonewiththewynns.com/map

isla bastimentos sailing map

The Crew

Dale and Justin (aka DJDives) are our first Patreon’s aboard and now we’ve welcomed Dan!  We offer up crew opportunities to our Patreons as a way to say thanks for their support and allow others to experience this unique traveling lifestyle.


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